Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So we've been doing really well money wise lately. We haven't gone out to eat since our friends left right after New Years and the eating at home has actually helped in my quest to lose weight. I've lost about 7 pounds so far (it varies during the day, but that's what I'm going with at the moment).

So far, we have been saving money on everything (which is great!). We have lowered our thermostat, unplugged items that aren't often used (extra lamps, etc.), and added blankets to our nightly routine (because it has been seriously cold here!).

I'm afraid that this weekend, both the saving money and the eating in are going to change - we are headed to St. Louis for an interview for Tom. We need some good thoughts and prayers that things go well. It would be so nice to live close to everone again!

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