Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resolutions (Thus far)

So far, not too much has changed.
We are on a budget and watching very carefully what we spend.

We did just have visitors in town, though, which really changes everything. Our lives were turned upside down for a few days while we had our friends staying at our house. I wouldn't have it any other way, but it is time to get back on track - remember my fitness goals and remember to eat HEALTHIER! (This past weekend was terrible for that and for actually DOING anything).

Do you know how difficult it is to entertain people without spending money? Luckily, shuffleboard is a fun (and free!) game that we know how to play now thanks to Jeff and Jill (shout out!).


Anonymous said...

We want to come visit you guys soon! Did you win at shuffleboard?

Jeff said...
